Friday, February 1, 2013

Dental Month

February is Dental Health Month! For the first 20 clients who come in and discuss their pet's dental health with our staff, we will give away a CET trial size dentifrice and a CET dental chew. CET dental chews are American made. They are scientifically formulated to help keep your pet's teeth clean. CET provides numerous dental products including pet safe (and flavored) dentifrice, finger brushes, and water additives.

If the technician feels that your pet's teeth need a professional cleaning she will refer you to a veterinarian for an appointment (this may need to be scheduled on a different day, and depending on the timing of your last visit may include an exam fee.)

A dental prophy involves a full cleaning both above and below the gumline, polishing, a full oral exam and probing for disease along the gumline. This can only be done safely with anesthesia. Just as you cannot brush away all future dentist visits, all pets will ultimately need a dental cleaning at least several times in their life. Small pets, like chihuahuas, poodles and cocker spaniels will all likely have yearly dental prophys starting at a fairly young age.
I may be dirty, but my teeth are clean!

Cats can get a painful oral condition called Feline Oral Resorptive Lesions (FORLs). These painful lesions are caused when for unknown reasons the cat's body begins breaking down and reasorbing the roots of the teeth.

Cats will show no signs of this, though many cats after the teeth are pulled (sadly this is the only option for these cats) are much happier after the procedure! This is yet another reason all cats should see their veterinarian at least yearly.

This is what happens to dogs who play with tennis balls and rocks
If we perform a prophy on your pet during the month of February we will give you a coupon for $10 off Purina DH diets or CET chews, whichever you prefer. Purina DH is a dog and cat food made of larger than normal kibbles that are scientifically formulated to not shatter like normal food when chewed. Instead the food resists breaking apart creating a scrubbing-like action that helps prevent tartar buildup. You can feed DH as a full diet or feed as treats.

For dental month, CET is offering a special buy two get one free offer when you buy CET chews from your veterinarian. You have to go to their website to receive their free bag.

Of course, like us, the gold standard for dental care is brushing. Brushing your pet's teeth is far easier than it may seem. If you think your pet would be amenable to toothbrushing we will be happy to give you a demonstration. Just give us a call to make a free appointment with a technician.

Dirty teeth are not just ugly, the bacteria released by infected teeth and gums circulate in the blood and affect the heart valves, kidneys and urinary tract. Red gums hurt, and because pets need to eat, they will continue to do so even if it means that it hurts.

Some level of oral disease exists in up to 75% of pets over the age of 5, and while most of those are not yet diseased enough to need a prophy, all pets can benefit from preventive dental care. See us if you have any questions about your pet's oral health.

You can reach us at (520) 299-1146 or

What healthy teeth and gums look like, no redness along the gumline

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